The last time I was here, there was one bird that tortmented me endlessly, darting and diving day after day around 'La Laguna' (the local lake). These
Blue-and-White Swallows (Pygochelidon cyanoleuca) moved so fast I found it almost impossible to focus with my eyes, never mind about with a camera!
So, within a week of returning to these shores, I was extremely pleased to find around 20 of them sat on a wire right outside the front door! Obviously, I raced back to get the camera and took a few shots...
A spot of grooming...
I've now made it my [impossible?] mission to get some in flight - wish me luck!
Swallows are tricky to get in flight for sure. But not impossible......
You get lots of different types in Latin America, I saw loads in Venezuela and gave up trying to ID them all. They all look the same.....
I tried with my crappy camera and all I got were blurry black blobs :S
¡Buena suerte!
Hello Tommy!! I'm so glad you're back and that you and Mel are together again. It makes me glad that you're back to blogging agan too. Nice pictures of the Swallows. They look very much like our Tree Swallows- beautiful little birds.
Hi Tommy,
I'm so glad you're back with Mel in S.A. again.
I'll repeat what Lynne said -- your swallows look very much like the Tree Swallows that will be arriving in my Minnesota backyard very soon.
Thanks for the comments people :)
S.C.E. - yes, of course it is possible, and with a LOT of practice I might just get there!
Mel - let's go to La Laguna sooooon!
Lynne & Ruthie - after a quick search online, I see what you mean, they are too alike!
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